SW and LW irradiance downwelling and upwelling in Adventdalen, 2023

By laraf |

This file includes a time series of near-surface irradiance measurements taken every 5 minutes, averaged, in 2023 in the valley of Adventdalen, Svalbard.The measurements consist of upwelling and downwelling horizontal irradiance in the shortwave and lon

Garreau, A., Shestov, A., Sikora, S., & Sjöblom, A. (2024). SW and LW irradiance downwelling and upwelling in Adventdalen, 2023 [Data set]. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


SW and LW irradiance downwelling and upwelling in Adventdalen, 2013-2022

By laraf |

This file includes a time series of near-surface irradiance measurements taken every 5 minutes, averaged, from 2013 to 2022 in the valley of Adventdalen, Svalbard.

Garreau, A., Shestov, A., Sikora, S., & Sjöblom, A. (2024). SW and LW irradiance downwelling and upwelling in Adventdalen, 2013-2022 [Data set]. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


Aggregated SW and LW irradiance downwelling and upwelling in Adventdalen

By laraf |

The files include a time series of near-surface irradiance measurements taken every 5 minutes, averaged, from 2013 in the valley of Adventdalen, Svalbard.

Garreau, A., Shestov, A., Sikora, S., & Sjöblom, A. (2024). Aggregated SW and LW irradiance downwelling and upwelling in Adventdalen. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


Aggregated downwelling and upwelling global tilted irradiance in Adventdalen

By laraf |

The files contain a time series of near-surface irradiance measurements sampled every 10 seconds from 2021 during the sunlight season in the valley of Adventdalen, Svalbard.

Garreau, A., Shestov, A., Sikora, S., & Sjöblom, A. (2024). Aggregated downwelling and upwelling global tilted irradiance in Adventdalen. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


Aggregated downwelling and upwelling global 54° tilted irradiance in Platåberget

By laraf |

The files contain a time series of near-surface irradiance measurements sampled every 10 seconds from 2021 during the sunlight season on Platåberget (456 m a.s.l.), Svalbard.

Garreau, A., Shestov, A., Sikora, S., & Sjöblom, A. (2024). Aggregated downwelling and upwelling global 54° tilted irradiance in Platåberget. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


Merged model Data Files (MMDFs) for the Meteo France ARPEGE global forecast model for various Polar sites

By laraf |

The version of ARPEGE submitted to YOPPsiteMIP was a pre-operational version based on the cy43t2_op1 operational system but coupled with the 1D sea-ice model GELATO.

Bazile, E., & Azouz, N. (2023). Merged model Data Files (MMDFs) for the Meteo France ARPEGE global forecast model for various Polar sites. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


MMDFs for the MetNorway AROME regional forecast model for various Arctic sites

By laraf |

Merged model Data Files (MMDFs) were produced with the HARMONIE-AROME (HIRLAM–ALADIN Research on Mesoscale Operational NWP in Euromed–Application of Research to Operations at Mesoscale) model configuration for operational weather forecasting for the Eur

Remes, T. (2023). MMDFs for the MetNorway AROME regional forecast model for various Arctic sites. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


MMDFs for the Meteo France AROME regional forecast model for various Arctic sites

By laraf |

Merged model Data Files (MMDFs) The AROME -MF system from Météo-France have been produced for Ny-Ålesund, Sodankylä and Pallas with hourly output.

Bazile, E., & Azouz, N. (2023). MMDFs for the Meteo France AROME regional forecast model for various Arctic sites. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


MMDFs for the Environment and Climate Change Canada-CAPS regional forecast model for various Arctic sites

By laraf |

Merged model Data Files (MMDFs) for ECCC-CAPS are available for the whole period from February 2018 to December 2018. Prior to the 28th of June 2018 CAPS was uncoupled and run with the GEM version 4.9.2.

Casati, B. (2023). MMDFs for the Environment and Climate Change Canada-CAPS regional forecast model for various Arctic sites. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


MMDFs for the DWD-ICON global forecast model for various Arctic sites

By laraf |

Merged model Data Files (MMDFs) from DWD’s ICON are available from February 2018 onwards containing 7.5-day forecasts starting at 00 and 12 UTC for Sodankylä, Ny-Ålesund, and Utqiaġvik (Barrow). The mesh width is 13 km.

Frank, H. (2023). MMDFs for the DWD-ICON global forecast model for various Arctic sites. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
